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The Sun Square: Decoding a Celestial Blueprint

The magic square of the Sun is no mere legend—it’s a cosmic code. Woven into its grid are the mysteries of pi’s
elegant curve, the vast distances between planets, the rhythmic pulse of the number seven, and the echoes
of biblical time. Far from abstract, these numbers bridge the ethereal and the tangible, revealing truths that
shimmer with precision. Numbers don’t deceive; they enlighten.

An Ancient Pattern Unveiled

magic square of the sun

In his book Number in Scripture, E.W. Bullinger introduces a 6x6 magic square, said to be thousands of years old.
This "Sun Square" is one of many so-called magic squares—grids where every row, column, and diagonal sums to
the same value. But this square is more than a mathematical curiosity; it’s a vessel of hidden meaning. When I
traced a continuous line connecting the numbers 1 through 36, a striking shape emerged: the silhouette of the
Great Pyramid. The grid yields 14 distinct lines—six horizontal, six vertical, and two diagonals—each totaling 111.

Picture this: the pyramid’s capstone crowns the design, while its lines extend downward, reaching a third of
the way below ground level, forming three distinct tiers. As the pencil traces its path, it doubles back over cer-
tain sections—once vertically (12 to 13) and six times horizontally—hinting at a deliberate structure woven into
the numbers.

Scriptural and Scientific Echoes

giza great pyramid

The Great Pyramid isn’t just a mathematical marvel; it’s etched into sacred texts. Jeremiah 32:18-29 and
Isaiah 19:19-20 reference this ancient wonder, suggesting a deeper significance.

magic squares

Further exploration on the Wolfram Math site revealed other magic squares. They failed to observe the
Great Pyramid’s pattern within the Sun Square. Could these squares be more than "attractive patterns"?
Perhaps they’re interlocking pieces of a larger puzzle, designed to amplify their collective meaning.

A Global Tapestry of Patterns

Nazca lines

The Sun Square’s pyramid shape finds curious parallels elsewhere. Consider the Nazca Lines in South America,
etched into the desert, their faint outlines whisper of similar geometries (The faint lines are hard to see).
Might these ancient designs share a common origin or purpose?

Into the Third Dimension

great pyramid

In 3-d


In three dimensions, the Sun Square transforms. Imagine stitching two fabrics together, a needle weaving back
and forth across quadrants. Plotting numbers 1 to 36 in a 6x6x6 cube (6³ = 216), then doubling it (216 × 2 = 432),
yields 186,624—a number tantalizingly close to the speed of light in miles per second (186,282). To complete the
3D model, rotate the cube 180 degrees and repeat the process, like a mirrored reflection. The sum of 1 through
36 is 666; doubled, it’s 1332 (or 444 × 3). Curiously, if measured in days, 1332 falls just three short of the 1335
days prophesied in Daniel.

Within this framework, the square of 5 concentrates key ratios and lines. Carbon-12, with its 6 protons, 6 neu-
trons, and 6 electrons, underpins life on Earth—could the 6x6 grid symbolize the physical realm itself, framed by
prime numbers?

Wavy Patterns and Biblical Thread


Scanning the 3D pyramid drawing revealed an unexpected wavy pattern, confined to specific sections!
Could these specifically arranged lines allow a peek at some kind of energy field(s) that is all around us?

This pattern comprises 14 sets of numbers, each summing to 37: diagonals (e.g., 6+31, 1+36), horizontals
(e.g., 7+30, 3+34), and verticals (e.g., 32+5, 19+18). The number 14 resonates biblically—think of Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego, each named 14 times (Daniel 3:18), totaling 3 × 14 = 42, or the three sets of 14
generations in Matthew 1. A cubical connection, perhaps?

tungsten atom

Similar shapes appear elsewhere: in the tungsten atom (A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe)
and in Bullinger’s Companion Bible (Appendix 88, Levendwater.org), suggesting a universal design at play.

Pi, Pyramid Inches, and Precision


Dividing the horizontal sections’ sum (10,400) by a circle’s diameter (3,250) yields 3.2—a physical limit. Pi (3.141…) subtly adjusts this, aligning with the Great Pyramid’s face-to-base angle.


ezekiel wheel

A vehicle cross-section like this perhaps? Something to ponder.

gp height

The Hebrew gematria of Isaiah 19:19-20 totals 5,449, matching the pyramid’s height in Pyramid Inches from
ground to capstone platform.
Converting the Sun Square’s base-to-π location (3,182.831 ÷ 7 = 454.690 × 12 = 5,456.282) and adjusting for the
Pyramid Inch (.998941) yields 5,450.504—nearly exact, perhaps accounting for a finishing plaster layer. Once clad
in polished casing stones, the pyramid gleamed with precision.
The gematria of Genesis’ first seven words is 2,701. Earth’s mean sea level lies 192.928 feet (2,701 ÷ 14) below
the pyramid’s baseline—echoed by phi (454.7 - 261.8 = 192.9).

sphinx connection

The distance from the pyramid’s midpoint to the Sphinx’s front? 1,929.5 feet—mirrored in the Sun Square’s numbers.

Clues Across Time and Space

Earth's mean sea level below the Great Pyramid's baseline

This 1,929.5-foot span hints at more. At Oak Island, a flood tunnel lies 111 feet deep, and a treasure chamber
sits between 154 and 160 feet (π × 72 = 153.93)—yet remains elusive. Could 154 feet below the Sphinx conceal
something profound? The pyramid encodes constants like π and α, suggesting a timeless blueprint.


Might 2025 mark the opening of the sixth seal (Revelation 6:12-17)? Intriguingly, the binary code from the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, decoded by Sgt. Jim Penniston, ends with 8100—divided by four (the Four Directions), it’s 2025. Add π⁴ to 1,929.285 or 1,929.5, and you get 2026.694 or 2026.909—dates hinting at a
season of revelation, culminating in a millennial reign (Acts 1:10-11).

A Microchip in Stone?

front of sphinx

sphinx temple

The Sphinx and surrounding structures layout evokes modern circuitry—microprocessors etched in stone.
Why would its architects encode such knowledge in monuments? Perhaps they foresaw our technological age,
leaving clues to bridge past and future. Did we develop this knowledge independently, inherit it, or recover it
from extraterrestrial relics?


"The Baptism of Christ" by Aert De Gelder (1710)


"The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494)

Biblical accounts—Ezekiel’s vision, Elijah’s ascent, Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:12), Jonah in the whale—hint at
advanced technology when viewed with open eyes. Ancient structures and pre-modern art, like The Baptism
of Christ (1710) and The Madonna with Saint Giovannino (15th century), depict flying objects, suggesting a long history of otherworldly presence.

A Cosmic Invitation

The Sun Square is a celestial riddle, binding numbers, nature, and prophecy into a harmonious whole.
It challenges us to look beyond the surface, to recognize the season we’re in. As the threads of math,
scripture,and mystery converge, one question lingers: are we ready to decode the blueprint?

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