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Oak Island

While reading Oak Island Gold by William S Crooker, September 2008, and seeing the megalithic
cross that Fred Nolan had discovered on Oak Island in 1981, several things became obvious.
The arms of the cross measure 360' x 2= 720 ft., and page 175 mentions a lock found amongst
various artifacts on Oak Island with a cross-shaped keyhole, which required two keys to unlock.
It suggests the squares 3 and 6 are the two keys required to unlock the secret of Oak Island.
The "two keys" map pointing to the treasure is simple, ingenious, and geometrically very accurate!
If Oak Island represents a lock, the cross the key entrance, and the two squares the keys, then
the world could represent a treasure box. Oak Island's lat and longitude 44N + 64W = 108 (36 x 3).

A huge effort was made to conceal the treasure and many clever clues were left, obviously with
the intent that someone in the future could figure them out and recover the treasure.
Why did they go through all this trouble? Some have suggested that it was meant to stay buried.
But had "they" wanted the treasures to never see the light of day, they could have just dropped
them into the ocean somewhere. The amount of effort that went into hiding the treasure and
leaving so many clues about it meant that it could and should be recovered later.

Furthermore, the verb pirate first recorded in 1574 perhaps originated from Pi-rate or rate of pi.
And is the treasure gold or much more than that, such as hidden knowledge and technology?
Perhaps it includes "the" Ark. Hint: Prior to 1600, Nova Scotia was called Arcadia.

Pirating means taking something that does not belong to you! However, in this case they knew
that they would not return to recover the treasure and benefit personally in their lifetime.
Their main aim was to protect the treasure and keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
Who are “they” and from whom are they hiding what from?

Information in this page may help to do a more careful probing and excavation.
Hopefully, the work and recovery of everything found is completely open and transparent!

oak island cross

Oak Island Cross 867' x 720' consists of 6 cone shaped boulders each weighing approximately 10 Ton.
Key #1, the 6 x 6 Magic square of the Sun Cross dimension shown here in orange is 810' x 720'.
The arms for the actual O.I cross and the Sun square cross match @ 360' each. (see bottom of page)

two keys

The magic square of the Sun and the first of two keys. (showing the inner 5 x 5 square from here on)

fred nolan’s house coconut fiber

Two key stones form the foundation for the entire grid layout.
One stone is in front of Fred Nolan’s house on the beach and the other one on the South end
of the Island. Not having read anywhere else about this stone it may be a new discovery.

red line

It appears the two large stones at each end of the red line were used to lay out the entire grid pattern.

the arms of the oak island cross

When superimposing the arms of the cross belonging to the 6 x 6 square over the arms of the oak
island cross, until the two pairs of arms match, in conjunction with the red line and the two end
stones, it means that the first key, the magic square of the Sun is locked into place.

The end of this page has accurate measurements that can be used to pinpoint the Money Pit.

lines intersect the money pit

The second key, the 3 x 3 magic square overlays of the first key, the 6 x 6 magic square of the Sun.
The blue and yellow lines intersect the money pit, and it is one of two possible treasure locations.

7 by 8 by 4

The final direction given on Captain Kidd’s upside-down map of Oak Island as 7 By 8 By 4 is no longer
a mystery! The numbers come from .142857... (1 / 7), or the π approximation 22 / 7 = 3.142857...
Separate the numbers 1 4...2 8...5 7

1.....2.....5             =           125 cube = 5 x 5 x 5
4.....8.....7             =           Triangle line of second key, 4 to 8 to 7 and (blue line) back to 4.

westford boat stone

The Westford boat stone inscription was thought to read 1 by 8 by 4, however the number 1 is
meant to be a 7. (Captain Kidd map numbers 7,8,4) Look closely as the top part of the 7 was either
naturally rubbed of or done on purpose. It looks like a treasure stone marker taken from Oak Island
or placed at a distance pointing to the Island.

stone triangle

The stone triangle (second key #7), 483' south of the money pit is not there anymore, nor are the
many drilled stones used for survey rod purposes. This triangle shows the angle variance between
the blue line and North arrow.

There is an interesting quote taken from Oak Island Gold page 178, where it mentions how several
boulders were moved before it was understood that they were part of the large megalithic
Christian Cross: "There's a big rock up there in the field, a great big boulder. We took the bulldozer
and the backhoe, rolled it over and out of the way and there underneath were pieces of an old
wrought iron potbellied stove... How it ever got down there is beyond me... Fred was really
surprised and we kept digging and digging and found other pieces of stuff there, too, like knives
and forks. I don't know how a big rock ever got on top of all that. Why would someone go to all
the trouble of digging a hole, burying all that stuff and then rolling a big rock like that over it?
It just doesn't make any sense." Clearly, much damage has been done in the search for treasure.

They did not have large cranes to place a large 10-ton boulder on top of these items.
Was it to demonstrate that levitation (anti-gravity) methods do exist? Just 100 years ago the idea
of airplanes flying in the sky would have been considered impossible by most people.

Oak Island, the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Sun square, and Nazca lines in South America are linked.

location for the money pit

Earlier I stated that the intersection between the blue and yellow line marks the location for the
money pit and is one of two locations containing treasure. Perhaps the second location is much
more significant, because within this diamond shape is the location for the Tree of Life and π.
Those pages describe a specific location for π as well as accurate time lines. It is likely that the
money pit contains gold and other valuables, but perhaps its main purpose was to divert attention
away from the second location containing important knowledge and specific technological
information. The architects behind the Oak Island operation were determined to keep very important
items and/or information safe for a long time. This required serious knowhow, backing and funding.
No pirate in his right mind would bury a fortune in gold knowing that he could never access it again!

money pit

Tons of coconut fibers were used in the construction of water traps in the money pit and tunnels
leading to it from the beach. Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare?) had Masonic and Rosicrucian
philosophic ideas as seen in his work New Atlantis. There are numerous clues and R.C. is one of them.
The definition for coirs is coconut fiber.

Down to the top of the chamber or treasure vault is 154 ft. Pi is often alluded to in the Bible.
Example: John 21:11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred
and fifty and three: Matthew 17:27 and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up;
and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: … i.e. Circular!
153 + 1 = 154
154 / 49 = 3.142857... (22/7)

The technological information that I alluded to earlier may be the Biblical Ark, frequently described
throughout the Bible, including matching shapes and numbers, as in Exodus chapters 25-28,
Revelation 4: 1-11, and Ezekiel 1, and there are others.
This machine can levitate objects, itself, and can produce/create unlimited free and clean energy.

This machine has the ability to manipulate gravity. In the words of Nikola Tesla: The only force
you need to counter is the electromagnetic force. As you can imagine a working anti-gravity devise
operating on unlimited clean and free electromagnetic energy would change everything on this planet.

Here follows accurate maps and measurements using the squares 3 and 6 as covered earlier:
The exact location of the Christian Cross boulders are known, including the two at each end of the
red line. There are various measuring possibilities that could be used to locate the Money Pit.

The two squares

The two squares (keys).

7 By 8 By 4

“7 By 8 By 4“
The distance between the two key stones (red) times 3.2 = a side measurement for the 6 x 6 square.

the Money Pit

One arm of the Oak Island Cross (AE) @ 360 ft. = 333.333... (1000/3) mm.
Based on that the following measurements:
AB = 1875mm = 2025'
AC = 1041.666…mm (3125/3) = 1125'
AH = 933.333…mm (2800/3) = 1008'
CB = 833.333…mm (2500/3) = 900'
DE = 625mm = 675'
DF = 750mm = 810'
FE = 125mm = 135'
DG = 1200mm = 1296'
EG & HM = 575mm = 621'
GM = 600mm = 648'
GJ = 500mm = 540'
JM = 100mm = 108'

K (stone triangle location) pointing to M (money pit) = 483' + 4' = 487, and a clue to “7 By 8 By 4“.
(A) represents the boulder in front of Fred Nolan’s house on the beach. It is one of 6 cone shaped
boulders making up the cross. The cross is physically present, its dimensions are known, and can be
used as a starting point leading to the Money Pit. There are various measuring options such as
E to G = 621', right 90°, and G to M = 648'.

But perhaps the easiest method: Angle DG▼DM = 26.565°

DM = 1341.640786...mm (√1800000) = 1448.972049...ft. (√2099520)

( √2099520 / √1800000 = 1.08 )

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