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Stonehenge and Hunebedden

This page links Stonehenge, the iconic stone circle of England, to the Hunebedden, ancient megaliths of
the Netherlands—monuments that whisper of a shared past. I offer no grand expertise, just a quiet joy in
chasing the numbers and mysteries that ripple through creation.
Numbers are the heartbeat of the cosmos. They shape the stones of Stonehenge, the tombs of Drenthe,
and the truths of scripture with divine precision. These ancient structures—Stonehenge, Hunebedden,
even the Great Pyramid—stand as testaments to that language, their stones singing of order amid the ages.

A Mythic Thread

Legends weave heroes into history, but I see a deeper Architect at work. The Great Pyramid, hinted at
in Isaiah 19:19-20, rises not from Egyptian hands alone but from a divine design. Its height—5449 pyramid
inches—matches the numeric value of that Hebrew text. Stonehenge and the Hunebedden, too, feel
connected—not by language lost to a flood, but by stones that endure, preserving knowledge in silence.

Tilts of Time

Stonehenge’s layout suggests Earth’s axial tilt—today at 23.5°. Subtract 16.5°, and a tilt of 7° emerges,
hinting at a distant past with no seasons, a lush greenhouse world before catastrophe.
A third tilt beckons: a great circle with its northern axis in British Columbia’s icy northwest, rimmed by
ancient sites. Perhaps a hidden structure lies beneath the glaciers, built by creators with flight and
foresight—beings who knew the future as well as the past.

A Shift Foretold

Why such a circle? It might mark a new equator, axis, or poles after a cataclysmic shift—an earthquake like
none before, as in Acts 1:10, Zechariah 14:4, and Revelation 16:18: “And there was a great earthquake,
such as was not since men were upon the earth.” Stonehenge and the Hunebedden could be signposts,
their stones aligned to guide us through upheaval.

Angles and Stars

Consider the angles: a 26.565° line at Stonehenge mirrors the Great Pyramid’s passageways, while a 7π° arc
(about 21.991°) ties to π’s rhythm. In Holland’s northeast, 54 Hunebedden cluster in Drenthe—perhaps a star
map, their blue line pointing to a celestial beacon.

Echoes of Design

These monuments hum with purpose—Stonehenge with its solar dance, Hunebedden with their earthly
roots. Were they built to outlast a flood, to teach us anew? I see a hand beyond myth, crafting order in
stone. Explore these threads, test them, or spin them into your own tapestry. Numbers are lanterns,
lighting the past, linking us to the divine. May this spark your wonder and guide you through the ages.

My findings


Stonehenge in England and the hunebedden in the Netherlands form an angle of 21.991...(7π)°

axial tilt

Our current earth axial tilt of 23.5° minus the 16.5° Stonehenge layout, indicates that prior to the
dinosaur age destruction the axial tilt was only 7°, and more perpendicular to the Sun (no seasons).
The earth had a lush greenhouse like environment and was a perfect place for growing living things.

axial tilt

A third axial tilt is indicated by the central axis point for this amazing great circle.
The azimuthal equidistant projection is centered on the northern axis point. It is located
just south of Mt. Vern Richie in the northwestern corner of Canada's British Columbia.

The day I learned about this circle; I was amazed that this formation actually exists.
However, I was more surprised to discover that I live within that center-dot.
A similar coincidental moment occurred while working on Daniels Day.

The perimeter is comprised of ancient structures, and perhaps the central axis point
(portal?) has a built structure on it. Since this area has glaciers, snow and ice year-round,
it is probably not visible from the air. The creators of this circle must have had advanced
scientific and technological know-how, aerial capabilities, and I believe future knowledge.

The distance from the Mount Vern Ritchie axis to each of those ancient structures,
is just over 10.000 Kilometers, or an average of 6219 Miles.

The purpose for the circle, may well be, to show us the new location for the equator,
central axis, and north and south pole locations. If so, what would cause such a shift?
Perhaps, Acts 1:10 followed by Zechariah 14:4 and Revelation 16:18 (phi= 1.618...)
And there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth,
so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

It is also noteworthy that all the great nuclear powers lie within this star pentagon circle.

Lastly, the five points of the pentagram star represent the locations for:
1-Giza, 2-Angkor, 3-Anatom Island, 4-Easter Island, 5-Atlantis (?) destroyed +/- 12500 years ago.

Atlantis #5 is one of two intersections between our current equator, and the great circle.

For comparison, this next azimuthal equidistant projection is centered on the north pole.
It is the map used by those promoting a flat earth. Learn about azimuthal map projection.


Stonehenge, hunebedden and the π angle idea resumed:

hunebedden pointer line

The 26.565° between the yellow base and red line is identical to the passageways within
the Great Pyramid. Again, the angle between the yellow and blue pointer line is (7π)°.


The N.E corner of the Netherlands has 54 hunebedden sites mostly in the province of Drenthe,
and they are located in a small geographical area.
Perhaps the 54 Hunebedden represent a star-cluster and the blue line pointing to a specific star.

A2(2704) + B2(441) = C2(3145) Angle accurate to pi 3.14159 and to sieve link.

Additional ideas:
Those very large stone formations named Hunebedden in dutch are sometimes translated as graves
of the giants. Some have theorized that these structures were built by the giants who once walked
the earth as the bible claims. Even so, levitating technology was used even thousands of years ago.

The Sons of God in Gen 6:2 simply means angels. Good or bad they are still sons of God, seducing
and impregnating flesh women with their offspring (the giants), being abominable hybrids between
Angels and flesh women they were the giants of (Gen 6:1-6). This was the reason God brought about
noah's flood as the bible clearly states to destroy them. There was another irruption after that and
goliath was one of them.

The heroes of greek mythology have a basis of truth! However, the architect of the great pyramid
is God, not egyptians! The G.P is mentioned in Isaiah 19:19-20. The sum total of the numerical value
of the hebrew text Isaiah 19:19-20 is also the great pyramid's height in pyramid inches from ground
level to the capstone platform. Stonehenge, hunebedden and great pyramid are connected.

A flood may have prevented information sharing through language but saved by these large stone
formations. It is likely that the immense stone structures the world over containing important
knowledge are for our benefit, waiting for the right time when we are ready to understand and
decipher their messages and forewarnings.

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