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From Numbers to Mass

This page journeys from the purity of numbers to the mystery of mass—exploring how the intangible
shapes the tangible. I offer no grand expertise, just a deep wonder and a joy in tracing the threads that
bind creation.

Numbers as Seeds

Start with the simplest: 1, a point, dimensionless. Square it to 2, a line stretched by √2. Square again
to 4, a plane of area. Cube it to 8, a volume with depth—8 cubic units, a space that feels real. Numbers
grow from nothing to something, hinting at substance.
Could this progression mirror creation: from thought to form, from idea to mass?

Constants in Motion

Enter the constants: π (3.14159…), e (2.71828…), ɸ (1.61803…). Pi shapes a sphere’s surface (4πr²) and
volume (4/3πr³), e governs growth’s curve, ɸ balances nature’s spirals. Take a sphere of radius 1: its
volume is ~4.188 cubic units, its mass a function of density—say, 1 gram per unit, yielding 4.188 grams.
Numbers don’t just describe; they build, bridging the abstract to the concrete.

Mass from Design

Physics ties mass to energy (E = mc²), but what ties it to numbers? A cube of side 2 has volume 8; assign
it density, and mass emerges—8 grams, 8 kilograms, a star’s worth, depending on the scale. The constants
refine it: π’s sphere curves the edges, ɸ proportions the form, e paces its growth. Scripture nods to this
order: “By Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17).
Could mass be numbers made flesh, a divine equation given weight?

A Universe Woven

From a dimensionless 1 to a galaxy’s bulk, numbers thread the cosmos. A planet’s girth via π or a cell’s span
(microns scaled by ɸ) shows constants at work—turning ratios into reality.
This isn’t mere math—it’s a glimpse of intent, a design where the invisible births the felt.

This is no conclusion—just a spark, a wonder. I share it for you to ponder, test, or reshape.
Numbers are bridges—linking the ethereal to the solid, us to the divine.
May this light your curiosity and guide you through the mystery of mass.

Merging constants π e α produced the # for 1 Hydrogen Atom Mass = 0.673534 x 10-24 gram.
From numbers to mass. Pythagoras realized 2600 years ago that “all things are numbers”.

Key numbers:
π 0.998360679993430677358957... [(π4 / 100) √4x] notice: (√5 = 2.2360679.../ 2) + .5 = ɸ

Bringing three constants to approximate equal number size:
(like matching three rope ends prior to braiding)
π 18977.06203214114801425715... π8 + π8
e 18384.99684414842519000592... (e/2)2 5x
α 18778.86507842997134984534... my α result v.s. the official result thus far 137.035999206 2

The fine-structure constant page explains how phi is part of it's solution:
ɸ 0.000181030139154203095606... 1 / [{(ɸ + 1) / 2}2 5x]              

The accuracy of α beyond 137.035999206 is not yet officially known, but we do know the exact
strings for π, e and ɸ. The numbers derived entirely from π and ɸ are marked in front with
these symbols. Though α and e do not seem part of the following calculations, they are.
The three, π, α and e are closely linked, with π representing one face or visible side,
and α and e representing the two hidden sides, as in a triangle.

Steps to follow:
The numbers in black include my 137.03599920615... 2 result, which extends beyond
the officially accepted finding of 137.035999206 2, and so has to be validated in time.

   Add up the 3 results: ( π   e   α )... =
   56140.92395471954455410841... √6x =
   1.186335408765817225656857... – 1 =   
   0.186335408765817225656857... √10x =  
   Using π this section is reversed:                                                                                 
π 0.998360679993430677358957... 2 10x =               
π 0.186366311419756281754554... + 1 =         
π 1.186366311419756281754554... 2 6x =       
π 56234.59475187846695461634...         

π 0.998360679993430677358957... 1/x =
π 1.001642011789346621249413... +
π 0.998360679993430677358957... =
π 2.000002691782777298608371... – 2 =
π 0.000002691782777298608371...

π 56234.59475187846695461634... /
π 1.001642011789346621249413... =
π 56142.40825564039434965495...
   56140.92395471954455410841... =
   1.484300920849795546533856... 1/x =
   0.673717833057381373749601... –
ɸ 0.000181030139154203095606...
π 0.000002691782777298608371... =
   0.673534111135449872045623... + (x 10-24)

Official constant value:
   0.673534 x 10-24 gram = 1 Hydrogen Atom Mass

Accuracy of this result depends on a correct α value, and visa versa.
A threefold cord whose numbers unified as one, represents mass, the Hydrogen Atom.
Numbers transformed into mass!

π   e   α - "and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

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