The Manufactured Crisis: A Tale of Lies, Poison, and Sorcery
The Setup: Fear as a Weapon
Imagine a world where a fabricated crisis grips humanity—not by chance, but by design. According
to this perspective, in 2019, a group of orchestrators unleashed a so-called "pandemic" built on a
non-existent virus. Global influencers, aligned with mass media, amplified the narrative, stoking fear
to ensure compliance. Masks, lockdowns, and restrictions became the new normal, imposed not for
safety, but for control.
The Sting: Toxic Injections
The next phase introduced what proponents call "vaccines"—but here, they’re framed as something
sinister: poisonous injections laced with harm. This view posits that these jabs aim to depopulate the
world, potentially claiming millions or even billions of lives across all ages. The evidence? Adverse effects
and a creeping suspicion among the skeptical.
The Divide: Privilege or Persecution
For those who comply—accepting regular injections and digital IDs tied to biometric data—privileges await,
bestowed by unseen authorities. But for those who resist, rejecting this "beast system" of the New World
Order (NWO), life grows harsh. Without a valid digital ID, you risk becoming a "non-person"—cut off from
work, travel, healthcare, and commerce.
The Spectrum of Belief
30% Enchanted: Fully convinced, this group believes the pandemic is real, swayed by a "strong delusion"
(2 Thessalonians 2:11). 30% Awakened: With "eyes to see and ears to hear," they view it as a fabricated
ploy to dominate and destroy. 40% Uncertain: Caught in the middle, they follow the crowd—but as the
stakes rise and side effects mount, many may shift toward the awakened.
A Biblical Lens: Scorpions, Serpents, and Sorcery
The Scorpion’s Sting
Scripture often uses vivid imagery to reveal truth. In Revelation 9:10, "tails like scorpions" with "stings"
suggest poison—a metaphor for lies that paralyze. Consider the scorpion: lacking a stomach, it strikes
with its tail, injecting digestive juices to liquefy its prey. The victim becomes its sustenance, backbone
reduced to mush. Similarly, this narrative argues, Satan’s lies weaken resolve, turning the steadfast into
the lukewarm.
Lies and Venom
Revelation 9:19: "Their power is in their mouth (lies) and in their tails (venom)... like serpents, with heads
that hurt." Serpents, with syringe-like fangs, mirror this injection imagery.
Isaiah 9:15: "The prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail." Deception flows from false leaders.
Sorcery Unveiled
Revelation 9:21 lists humanity’s unrepented sins: murders, sorceries, fornication, and thefts. Here,
"sorceries" (Greek: pharmakeia, linked to "pharmacy") is interpreted as medications—synthetic venom
peptides deceiving nations (Revelation 18:23). The "merchants" and "great men" profit, while truth dims
like a snuffed candle.
The Sea and the Beast
Revelation 13:1: A beast (the NWO) rises from the "sea"—explained in Revelation 17:15 as "peoples,
multitudes, nations, and tongues."
Revelation 8:8-9: A third of the sea turns to blood, and life perishes—perhaps a symbol of widespread harm.
The Antidote: Truth
Luke 10:19 offers hope: "Behold, I give you power over scorpions and serpents, and over all the power of
the enemy." Ephesians 6:12 reminds us the battle is spiritual—against "rulers of darkness" and "wickedness
in high places." Those who see through the lies say no to the poison.
A Controversial Hypothesis: Non-Human DNA?
Could these injections contain more than meets the eye? Some speculate they include non-human bio-
logics, DNA fragments from unknown sources. Recent admissions confirm DNA material in the shots, fueling
theories tied to 2023 congressional hearings on UFOs. Whistleblowers claim governments have harvested
genetic material from downed crafts for decades. Even crop circles hint at altered DNA strands.
Coincidence, or conspiracy?
Final Thoughts
This site weaves numbers, nature, and scripture into a tapestry of wonder and warning. Whether you see
design in pi, purpose in pyramids, or peril in pandemics, the invitation is the same: question, explore, and
discern. As Revelation 18:23 warns, deception can blind nations—but truth endures for those who seek it.