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The Great Pyramid's Hidden Chamber

When superimposing the Kings Chamber over the Queen's Chamber which is located on the
central Pyramid axis, it suggests that about 50 ft. below the Queen’s Chamber and resting
on natural rock there is a hidden chamber.

Great Pyramid

King's Chamber

The King's Chamber superimposed over the Queen's Chamber

hidden chamber

Measuring up from ground level to the platform (no Capstone) is 5449 Pyramid inches, which is
also the sum total of the numerical value of the Hebrew text of Isaiah 19:19-20. This number can’t
be changed, the text is complete.

Now imagine a complete Pyramid with Capstone, and measuring down 5449 inches from its tip,
to a spot below the Queen's chamber. When superimposing the Kings over the Queen's chamber,
the Coffer is in that same location.

Another clue, the second and third largest pyramid both have chambers in that central location.

The Kings chamber superimposed over the Queen's chamber will point its Star vents in new directions.
Accurate measurements may yield interesting results.

Four amazing facts:
1. Light speed (c) at nearly 299792458 meters per second, virtually matches the geographic coordinate
numbers of 29.9792458°N for the Great Pyramid of Giza.
2. They encoded phi and pi into their structure in a way so precise that no modern architecture can.
3. The pyramid complex perfectly aligns with Orion’s belt.
4. The resonant frequency of the four chambers of the pyramids match that of DNA.

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