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Constants π e α Changed to Mass

Merging constants π e α produced the # for 1 Hydrogen Atom Mass = 0.673534 x 10-24 gram.
From numbers to mass. Pythagoras realized 2600 years ago that “all things are numbers”.

Key numbers:
π 0.998360679993430677358957... [(π4 / 100) √4x] notice: (√5 = 2.2360679.../ 2) + .5 = ɸ

Bringing three constants to approximate equal number size:
(like matching three rope ends prior to braiding)
π 18977.06203214114801425715... π8 + π8
e 18384.99684414842519000592... (e/2) 2 5x
α 18778.86507842997134984534... my α result v.s. the official result thus far 137.035999206 2

The fine-structure constant page explains how phi is part of it's solution:
ɸ 0.000181030139154203095606... 1 / [{(ɸ + 1) / 2} 2 5x]              

The accuracy of α beyond 137.035999206 is not yet officially known, but we do know the exact
strings for π, e and ɸ. The numbers derived entirely from π and ɸ are marked in front with
these symbols. Though α and e do not seem part of the following calculations, they are.
The three, π, α and e are closely linked, with π representing one face or visible side,
and α and e representing the two hidden sides, as in a triangle.

Steps to follow:
The numbers in black include my 137.03599920615... 2 result, which extends beyond
the officially accepted finding of 137.035999206 2, and so has to be validated in time.

   Add up the 3 results: ( π   e   α )... =
   56140.92395471954455410841... √6x =
   1.186335408765817225656857... – 1 =   
   0.186335408765817225656857... √10x =  
   Using π this section is reversed:                                                                                 
π 0.998360679993430677358957... 2 10x =               
π 0.186366311419756281754554... + 1 =         
π 1.186366311419756281754554... 2 6x =       
π 56234.59475187846695461634...         

π 0.998360679993430677358957... 1/x =
π 1.001642011789346621249413... +
π 0.998360679993430677358957... =
π 2.000002691782777298608371... – 2 =
π 0.000002691782777298608371...

π 56234.59475187846695461634... /
π 1.001642011789346621249413... =
π 56142.40825564039434965495...
   56140.92395471954455410841... =
   1.484300920849795546533856... 1/x =
   0.673717833057381373749601... –
ɸ 0.000181030139154203095606...
π 0.000002691782777298608371... =
   0.673534111135449872045623... + (x 10-24)

Official constant value:
   0.673534 x 10-24 gram = 1 Hydrogen Atom Mass

Accuracy of this result depends on a correct α value, and visa versa.
A threefold cord whose numbers unified as one, represents mass, the Hydrogen Atom.
Numbers transformed into mass!

π   e   α - "and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

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